Monday, February 25, 2013

Food as Tylenol?

Recently I was asked an interesting question... "I have a lot of pain in my joints, especially when it gets cold outside. In my knees, hips, fingers, everywhere.  What can I do to help the pain?"

What made it interesting was I received this inquiry from a 19 year old male who is in excellent health, exercises 5 days a week and is not overweight.  First thought is arthritis, but how could that be? Although many first think of arthritis as a diagnosis for older generations, it is very common for active teenagers and adults.  Arthritis is basically joint inflammation and can be caused by many things including injury, surgery, and over use.

Here are a few foods that can help reduce pain that you may be having due to joint inflammation no matter what your age.

Walnuts. These nuts contain Omega 3's which are fatty acids that curb inflammation. Not a fan of walnuts? Try salmon, flax seeds, sardines and some green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale.

Colorful fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are what they sound like, they fight toxins, commonly known as free radicals. They fight them by protecting and repairing damaged cells. And think the brighter the color of the fruit or vegetable, the more antioxidants. Raspberries, Sweet Potato, Mangoes, Mustard Greens, Beets and more.

Brussel Sprouts.  Recently I heard a nutrition expert describe fiber as what makes our vegetables stand up. Interesting visual, and extremely helpful. Cabbage, broccoli and eggplant are all vegetables that are high in fiber and can stand up all on their own.  Not getting the visual? Think of romaine lettuce, which is lower in fiber, and how it can wilt... See it now?

Eating the right foods has tremendous health benefits and by
choosing the ones mentioned above, you can also help reduce your pain due to arthritis.

If you are interested in learning more about  arthritis, visit

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