About a year ago, I started hearing chatter about the importance of performing your weight routine before your aerobic exercise, aka Cardio. Well, I typically do the opposite, Cardio then strength training, but couldn't exactly pinpoint why this was my habit. My initial thoughts were injury prevention, increased fat burn, more fun and ultimately it was just easier. But was I really choosing to workout this way because it was easy? That just seemed wrong. So I started with a little research, followed with some reflection and finished with new goals to enhance my routine.
First, key points in research...
Benefits of Cardio before Weights1) Warms up your body and your muscles which in turn does in fact help prevent injury
2) For endurance training, aka marathons than this sequence is most effective for your goal.
3) Some argue that it maximizes your burn and also your EPOC, excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or basically calorie burn after your workout.
Benefits of Weights before Cardio
1) Less energy remaining to lift weights and maximize your strength training workout
2) During strength training, you burn glycogen which is the energy stored in your muscles. When you perform cardio following, the only thing left to burn is your fat so in turn you maximize your fat burning potential.
3) Journal of Diabetes Care did a study in 2012 that showed that there were less severe drops in blood sugar hours after exercise was completed and if there were any drops, they were for a shorter period of time. The study also showed that there were less low threshold(line of low blood sugar that can be dangerous) drops and had a quicker return to normal blood sugar levels.
Second, reflections on the research...

2) Sometimes it's hard for me to get the motivation to exercise, so whatever gets me started and gets me to finish I'm all for it.
3) Strength training can also reduce injury, increase EPOC, and increase fat burn during workouts.
Third, Goals...
1)The days that I cross train at the club, I will do a 5 minute warm up on the treadmill, weights and then finish with the elliptical or stair master.
2) On running days, I will continue to run first and follow with core work and push ups.
2) If I'm lacking energy on a day, I won't feel guilty about choosing the spin class rather than lifting weights. The cardio is what got me there and was much more beneficial than enjoying a repeat of The Big Bang Theory on my couch.
Although I cherish my routines, I also understand the importance of checking in from time to time and making sure they continue to have the same effectiveness and impact as when they were created. I encourage you to change up your routine for a week or two and see the differences in how you feel, but as with anything, listen to your body and choose what feels right for you.
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