While your thinking about it, let me explain how the study was done. The 72 women, ages 60-74, were randomly assigned to 3 groups who did both aerobic and strength exercise a determined number of times each week. The first group had a 1:1 ratio of strength and cardio each week, second group 2:2 and third 3:3. For all groups, the intensity increased during the 4 month period and the scientists did not ask the women to make any changes to their eating habits. All were equal in their increase of fat free mass, strength and aerobic fitness, and lost weight.
Compared to the start of the experiment, only two groups increased their calorie burn during their everyday lives. The 4 day group by 225 calories each day and the 2 day group by 100 calories each day. The 6 day group? They in fact decreased their calories burned by 200 each day. The research showed that the women who exercised 2 and 4 days had more time and energy overall. The 6 days a week group looked for shortcuts, such as taking the elevator instead of the stairs, because they felt they didn't have the time or energy.
Are the conclusions aligned with your thoughts? We often forget that we don't have to be chained to a treadmill or pumping iron to be effective in burning calories. Taking the stairs, parking away from the entrance, biking to work or store and participating in yardwork are just some examples of everyday activities that burn calories.
I cannot refute the scientific evidence yet it may take some time to completely change my workout plan. For now, I will try to reduce my workout schedule to 5 days a week to leave myself enough energy to walk my dog a little longer each day.
How will you apply the philosophy "Less is more?"
Interesting. It helps me put into context that I had 2 great workouts at the gym this week and then 2 additional days of shovelling. That counts too, even though I feel like I've slacked. :)
ReplyDeleteDid you know that shoveling by hand expends approximately 400 calories in an hour? That definitely counts for a workout and you get the benefits of being outside, fresh air and getting cardio and strength all at once. Well done.
ReplyDeleteAh, that snow shoveling is so good is great news. Last weekend it snowed all the time and I did a lot of shoveling. But I was feeling like I was slacking cause I didn't do my usual 5 k walk. Now I will go easier on myself.
ReplyDeleteI am afraid to adopt the less is more philosophy too much. I really don't get enough exercise as a regular thing. Maybe my less is more is going to have to apply to jelly beans, oreos and chips.
Great Information! Thank you for providing the blog.